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By Dr. Mahesh. A.V. Hospital , Mysore

Ayurveda the science of life, is a very comprehensive system of healing, which has its roots in the vedas, the oldest scriptures of India. According to Ayurveda the cosmic consciousness and the five basic elements (Panchamahabhutas) combine to form the building blocks of physical existence.

The bodily functions are regulated by the tridoshas and the harmonious interplay among the doshas, is believed to be the foundation of sound health. Ayurveda is concerned with preventing diseases through moderation in diet, work, play and rest. The basis of all Ayurvedic treatments is the balancing of energies within us to restore wholeness. Rigorous scientific scrutiny into Ayurvedic techniques have revealed that many disorders that fail to respond to other forms of treatment respond to Ayurvedic remedies


The harmony between the mind –body-and soul leads to a healthy living which can be accomplished by making ayurveda and yoga our way of life. The two sciences are available in Sanskrit, the mother of all Indian languages.

  The eight branches of Ayurveda are:

  • Kayachikitsa   - Internal Medicine
  • Balachikitsa    - Paediatrics
  • Grahachikitsa - Psychology & Psychiatry
  • Urdhwanga    - ENT & Opthalmology
  • Shalya            - Surgery
  • Damstra         - Toxicology
  • Jara                - Science of Rejuvenation
  • Vrisha             - Science of Aphrodasiacs

What is Panchakarma?

Pancha means five and Karma means procedure. Hence panchakarma means five procedures, purificatory in nature.

Which are these Panchakarmas?

Vamana (therapeutic emesis)
Virechana (therapeutic purgation)
Basthi (therapeutic enema)
Nasya (therapeutic nasal medication)
Raktamokshana (therapeutic bloodletting)

 ·         1. VAMANA KARMA (Therapeutic Emesis):  This is the method used for the elimination of aggravated Kapha through the upper pathways by using special medicaments.

2. VIRECHANA KARMA :( Therapeutic Purgation): This is the method used for the elimination of aggravated pitta through the lower pathways by using special medicaments.

           3. BASTHI KARMA (Therapeutic enema): This is the method used for the elimination of aggravated vata through the lower pathways by using special medicaments.

·         4. NASYA KARMA (Therapeutic nasal medication): This is the method used for the elimination of aggravated local doshas such as vata kapha and pitta through the nasal passage; by using special medicaments.

·         5. RAKTA MOKSHANA (Therapeutic bloodletting): This is the method used for the elimination of aggravated localized and general pitta and rakta on selected regions in the body.

After the panchakarma purification like a cloth cleansed of its dirt the person becomes fit to perform his normal activities, becomes free of diseases and also will also achieve the god hood which is the ultimate aim of Ayurveda.


Abhyanga, the ayurvedic whole body massage with suitable medicated oil is beneficial for healthy individuals to stay healthy and for persons suffering from various ailments, especially vata disorders.

Abhyanga should be resorted to daily, as it wards off old age, exertion and aggravation of vata, bestows good vision, long life, nourishes the body, and ensures good sleep with healthy skin.

Bashpa sweda is a method of fomentation which relieves body stiffness & heaviness, improves body flexibility and is good for vata and kapha disorders.

Shiro abhyanga (massage to the scalp) helps prevent headache, hair loss, baldness and premature greying of hair. Besides leaving the hair lustrous and strong, it improves the sheen of facial skin and ensures a sense of well-being, balance and good sleep.

 Sarvangadhara is the pouring of warm medicated oils in an even stream with simultaneous massage. It strengthens and tones all seven body tissues, improves vigour and vitality, improves the agni (digestive fire), body complexion and lusture & strengthens the indriyas.
Sarvangadhara a major rejuvenation technique can be done with medicated oils , herbal decoctions and milk, according to the individual`s prakruthi (body constitution) and ailments.

Patra panda sweda is used to induce sweating after abhyanga. Several herbal ingredients are fried together, tied in a bolus dipped in hot medicated oil and rubbed all over the body. The special herbs used, draw the toxins from the body by activating the sweat glands. This is an excellent treatment for neurological disorders, arthritis and skin disorders.

Choorna pinda sweda is full body massage is complemented by a massage with chosen herbal powders tied in boluses. Useful in kapha disorders, obesity, skin ailments, joint disorders and to ward off unpleasant body odours.

Shirolepa is a procedure of applying medicated herbal pastes, ghee or oil to the scalp. Shirolepa helps treat itching, dandruff, pustules and headaches. Useful in preventing hair loss and premature greying of hair.

Netra tarpana is a process of keeping the medicated ghee/herbal decoction in the eyes with the help of a dough dam.
Nethra tarpana helps remove fatigue of the eyes and treats disorders of vata and pitta. It ensures good vision and helpful in treating burning sensation, roughness and stiffness of the eyes, sub-conjunctival haemorrhage, inflammatory lesions of the eye, glaucoma, loss of secretion of lacrimal fluid and loss of eye-lashes. It is extremely beneficial for students and computer professionals.

Shirodhara is a time-tested remedy for psychosomatic disorders, shirodhara is a procedure, which involves the pouring of a continous & controlled stream of different medicated oils/butter milk/herbal decoctions over the forehead. It deeply relaxes and revitalizes all the sensory organs and the central nervous system. It stabilizes and calms the mind, improves strength, sense of taste, memory and aptitude. An excellent rejuvenator and aphrodisiac, it ensures good sleep, long life and a sweet voice

Shirobasti is special procedure of bathing the scalp with warm medicated oils. Useful in insomnia, paralysis, bellspalsy, writer`s syndrome, migraine headaches, dryness of the upper respiratory tract, dandruff and other diseases of the scalp and diminishing memory..

 Shiropichu is a procedure of anointing the scalp with herbal pastes/medicated ghee or oil and preserving it overnight is a treatment called Shiropichu. It prevents hair loss, reduces burning sensation over the scalp and is good for insomnia.

Hrudh basti is procedure where in the cardiac region is bathed with warm medicated oils. This is especially rejuvenating for the organ of Heart. It strengthens the heart muscles and increases strength and vitality at a very essential level.

Chakra basthi, done at the umbilical region is very effective in digestive disorders and anxiety.

katibasti is a special procedure of bathing the scalp with warm medicated oils. Useful in insomnia, paralysis, bellspalsy, writer`s syndrome, migraine headaches, dryness of the upper respiratory tract, dandruff and other diseases of the scalp and diminishing memory.

Griva basti is a procedure done to the back of the neck by bathing with warm medicated oils followed by sweda is very effective in cervical spondylosis and frozen shoulders.

Janubasti similar procedure to kati and griva basthi, this therapy is done to the knee joints and is very effective for quick pain relief at the site. Indicated in Rheumatoid and osteo-arthritis.

Bashpa sweda is a method of fomentation which relieves body stiffness & heaviness, improves body flexibility and is good for vata and kapha disorders.

Shastika shali panda sweda is a unique therapy of fomentation which is done after abhyanga using a preparation of a special type of rice. Useful in vatha and kapha disorders, paralysis, myalgia, neurological and neuromuscular disorders. A great rejuvenator it is also known to treat delayed growth in children.


Istika sweda special procedure done using herbal decoctions on hot bricks. Very effective in calcaneal spur.

Mukha lepa specially designed herbal facial is effective in chronic acne, hyper pigmentation and sunburns. This prevents wrinkles and improves the skin tone. Also good for the eyes, the massage component in mukhalepa focuses on the marma points of the face, neck and shoulders, which reinvigorates the tissues, tones and refreshes the senses.

A total herbal approach to pedicure & Manicure can make one boast of a pair of beautiful feet and hands.


Padabyanga is a unique procedure of massaging the lower legs and feet, emphasizing on foot reflexology. It is known to reduce stress and strain of the lower limbs and eyes. Also helpful in varicose veins.


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