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Physiotherapy & its Advantages 

Physiotherapy is a healthcare profession that aims to rehabilitate people using methods such as exercise, posture correction, movement training, massage, relaxation techniques, adaptive devices, diet recommendations, education, motivation & electrotherapy and hydrotherapy & Physical therapists are primary healthcare professionals who diagnose and treat individuals.

Physiotherapy sees human movement as central to the health and well-being of individuals and it aims to identify and maximize the quality of life and movement potential in a person by including not only physical but also taking care of the psychological, emotional, and social well-being. The approaches used by the Physiotherapists can be broadly classifies as Modalities, Movements & manual therapy to assist the patient achieve the goal set for him.

Modalities such as heat, cold, paraffin, electrical modalities ultrasound, shockwave and traction equipment, etc help to relieve symptoms or improve the healing process. Therapeutic exercises that include stretching, strengthening, balancing, gym ball exercises and core strengthening constitute the mainstay of the movement component of therapy. Manual therapy is hands-on treatment in the form of joint mobilization, myofascial release and passive range of motion exercises helps in realigning structures causing the discomfort. Therapy is personalized to each patient by the therapist as each person reacts differently to exercises.

The physiotherapy treatments focus on relieving pain, improving movement, and fostering healthy posture and a patient is taught how to care of their injuries even at home, so that therapy can continue beyond the walls of the clinic or hospital.

 The focus on this type of treatment is to help lower the pain and related discomfort so that one can get back to normal activity as quickly as possible. The use of safe positions and movements while lifting and carrying, standing and walking, and performing work duties are paramount to a successful therapy and Working the right muscles helps you begin moving easier and help to prevent future re-injury of the same area from happening again.

Physiotherapists work in both Clinical & Academic settings such as outpatient clinics , intensive care centres, inpatient rehabilitation facilities, skilled nursing facilities, extended care facilities, private homes, and research centres, hospices, industrial workplaces or other occupational environments, fitness centres and sports training facilities.

Physiotherapy has specialised in various fields of medicine like Orthopaedic & sports, Neurology, Cardiopulmonary, Geriatric, and Paediatric & OBG.

Orthopaedic & sports  treat acute sports injuries, arthritis, sprains, strains, back and neck pain, spinal conditions  with mobilization, therapeutic exercise, thermotherapy, cryotherapy  iontophoresis &  electrotherapy to expedite recovery.

Patients with impairments of vision, balance, ambulation, activities of daily living, movement, loss of functional independence, following stroke, cerebral palsy, Parkinson`s disease, spinal cord injury, & brain injury are catered to by Neuro-therapist. Cardiopulmonary therapist deals with improving endurance and functional independence in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, MI, post coronary bypass surgery , general surgery, and ulcer & wound management using LASER & UVR. Geriatric Therapist deals with a wide area of issues concerning older adult & paediatric therapist deals with developmental delay & other congenital issues seen in children.

The improvements in medical technology and health care services have increased the life expectancy there by increasing quality of life however the modern lifestyle is one of the most important factor in the development of most of the physical & mental problems in man today.

The young & older generations are facing a lot of problems due to stress, faulty diet, bad posture, improper lifting of heavy weights, lack of exercise and unhealthy habits like drinking, smoking are contributing to the development of musculoskeletal problems

A large number of conditions causing pain can be just managed by correcting our habits & it is truly amazing the bad habits one can get into and how these can keep the whole body off balance. These small bad habits over the years can turn into big problems throughout your body and the classical case is the Repetitive stress injuries seen in the wrist & neck. People often do not consider the preventative side of the field, physiotherapists encourage exercises, and postures that will help patients avoid physical injuries and conditions requiring their services.

Role of physiotherapy is increasing, as more efforts are on to prevent rather can cure a problem. Therapists are working with individuals to prevent the loss of mobility before it occurs by developing fitness and wellness-oriented programs for healthier and more active lifestyles, providing services to individuals and populations to develop maintain and restore maximum movement and functional ability throughout the lifespan.

By A.V. Sunish, Physiotherapist.


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